Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Week: 1/21 - 1/24

OAKS Testing this Week!
Please be sure to get lots of rest and nutrition!  This is our first of two opportunities.  We still have a lot to learn before we test again, so don't panic.

Report Cards...
Next Thursday and Friday, I will be completing the first term report cards.  Progress reports went home this week.  Make sure you finish any missing assignments.

Next week is the last chance to complete the MYBH challenge.  Be sure to find the questions you missed and try to solve the puzzle.  There were some hints on the last MYBH quiz for you.  I think you may have missed them.  Maybe I'll put some hints on tomorrow's.

Tomorrow's quiz will be on five of the questions we've seen this month.  #13, #23, #26, #27, #32.  Be sure that you have all of these!

log- a list of items
backlog - a list of items that are overdue (like a backlog of homework!)
compare - in math, when you tell whether one expression is greater, less than, or equal to another (<, >, =)
cache - a storage of something (like a cache of ideas)
cacophony - a collection of loud noises (like the cafeteria)
coordinates - a pair of numbers to show where on a map something is.
equator - the line of latitude that is zero degrees.
prime meridian - the line of longitude that is zero degrees.
cell - the smallest unit of life.
vascular plant
acute - less than 90°.  Means "sharp".  You can be "acute" or "sharp" by closing your mouth more often (an acute angle of the mouth).
obtuse - more than 90°.  Means "dull".  You can be "obtuse" or "dull" by opening your mouth more often.
colonizers - species that start growing right after a disturbance, such as lichen or moss.
This is a lichen, a symbiotic life form.  It is half algae, half fungus.  The algae provides the food and the fungus provides the structure.  Neither could live without the other.  A lichen is a colonizer because it helps break down rocks so that soil can form for larger plants.

1/8 = g
2/8 = f
3/8 = e
4/8 = d
5/8 = c
6/8 = b
7/8 = a
8/8 = z
1 1/12 = r
1 1/6 = s
1 1/3 = t
1 1/2 = u
2 7/8 = v
2 7/16 = w
2 7/20 = x
2 7/24 = y
2 11/24 = o
2 12/24 = p
2 13/24 = q
2 14/24 = r
4 = t
4 1/4 = u
4 2/4 = v
4 3/4 = w
5 = x

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