Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Week: 11/4 - 11/8

Grades are online and ready for your viewing pleasure!  Passwords will go home on Monday!

I will be out on Monday to have my hardware inspected.  I've prepared the substitute with a full plate of activities for you!

Update:  It sounds like there were a couple of tough days with the substitutes.  Prepare yourself for some structured learning.  Plan on coming to school to be academic!

Christmas Play:
Let's try to organize a class play to present to the younger classes before Christmas break.  I'll give you this week and next week to look at three scripts that I have chosen.  To make this work, we'll have to continue our regular class work and work towards completing a play-- a monumentous task.  The plays are on the class web page in the resources section.  They are:

If you want to participate in a play, you'll need to audition for a part.  To audition for a part, you need to memorize and present a short scene from the play.

Wednesday Homework:
Language:  Get an adult to complete a letter of recommendation for you using the business letter format that we learned.
Science:  Make sure you have finished Big Idea 2-2.
Social Studies:  Make sure you have finished Geography 8.
Math:  Division Masters through #8

I will start posting videos of math lessons.  As I get ahead, you will be able to watch the lesson before I teach it to the class.  In fact, your homework could be to watch the lesson and your classwork could be to do the assignment!

Here are a few to get you started:

Wednesday:  Three ways to show division:

Thursday:  Long Division

Last Week:  Double-digit multiplication

You can see all of the lessons that I've created on my Educreations site.

I'm going to start including review words in our vocabulary quizzes, so don't forget these words once the week has gone by.  Keep all of your study guides until you're old and wrinkled, and then pass them on to your grandchildren.

  • amphitheater
  • border- the edge or margin of a place (like a state or country).
  • continent
  • predator
  • prey
  • food chain
  • savanna
  • competition
  • food web
  • invertebrates
  • divisor
  • dividend
  • quotient
  • operator
  • equation

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