Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Week: 11/18 - 11/22

Yearbook Cover:
Click on this link to take the yearbook cover survey.  Choose the cover you want to see on your fifth-grade yearbook!

Christmas Plays

We are going to present three Christmas plays the last week of school in December.  This will take a lot of planning and participation from everyone.

The plays:
To sign up for a part, complete the form by following this link.

Learning Targets:
Reading:  We will understand and find examples of figurative language in our reading, including:
  • similes
  • metaphors
Reading:  We will understand and find examples of literary devices in our reading, including:
  • alliteration:
    One fat hen
    and a couple of ducks
    three baby brown bears
    four rapid running hares
    five fat, fidgety foxes
    six Simple Simons selling salt in Siam
    seven slimy sailors selling stuff
    eight elongated elephants being elevated on an escalator
    nine nasty-nosed nematoids nibbling on nine nasty-nosed gnats
    ten two-ton, two-tone trucks traveling transcontinental from Tallahassee to Texas, from Tucson to Tennessee
    (Or you could use this version instead...)
    (Or you could Google "one fat hen" and see what else is out there...)
  • onomatopoeia
  • irony
  • oxymoron
Math:  Apply the order of operations in mathematical calculations.
Here's the video we watched in class.

Video #1: Order of Operations

Video #2:  Order of Operations (Same idea, different presentation.)

Math:  Divide expressions with a two-digit divisor.
Video:  Dividing with 2-digit divisors

Let's try something new.  I'm going to post the MYBH problems here so you can work on them at home.


You must look at this list at least once a day.  You will be quizzed on these words on Monday!

  • Concrete:  Something you can feel or touch.
  • Literal:  "for real".  A phrase that describes exactly what is says.  "It's raining cats and dogs" means that animals are actually falling from the sky.
  • Literally:  Told in a way that is real.
  • Abstract:  Not concrete.  Something that is in your mind.
  • Figurative:  Not real.  It can be an idiom or exaggeration.  "It's raining cats and dogs" is figurative language for raining a lot.
  • Figuratively:  Told in a way that is exaggerating.
  • Simile:  A comparison between two unlike ideas using "like" or "as".
  • Operator:  A math symbol that tells you what to do.  (+, x, -, ÷)
  • Alliteration:  Using the same initial sound repeatedly.  ("Big bad boppy bumped the baby.")
  • Sum: +
  • Difference: -
  • Product: x
  • Quotient: ÷

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