Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Week: 3/14 - 3/18

One week until Spring Break. Hang in there!

We will have a substitute one Monday and Tuesday this week.  Please be respectful.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Week: 3/19-3/23

Reading Challenge!
Please read the blog from last week to learn about the conditions of our reading challenge.

New classroom rules shamelessly copied from a blog I found. Read it and tell me what you think.
(Please note that I am not claiming credit for this work.  It was written by a teacher named Abby Byrd.  It can be found on her blog at )

New Classroom Rules

1. Enter the room and socialize at your leisure. The daily “warm-up” is just a suggestion that is not in any way intended to promote the acquisition of grammar skills over necessary social interactions.

2. Every time you enter the room, please be sure to ask me if we’re watching a movie. I may have neglected to plan a movie, and will quickly be reminded that a feature-length film, however loosely connected to the curriculum, will be both more entertaining and more instructive than whatever lesson I had originally planned.

3. Sit wherever you want. If you feel like sitting. Standing up is good, too, or sitting on top of the chair and rocking in it. It’s important for those of you who are kinesthetic learners to feel comfortable.

4. Please don’t put your name on any papers that you turn in, especially on multiple choice quizzes. I enjoy challenging myself to match each of your 125 identities with the intricacies of the way you form the first four letters of the alphabet.

5. When I say “Pass your papers up,” what I really mean is, “Pass your paper to the person either to the left or right of you. Or behind you. Or just keep your paper at your desk; it doesn’t matter.”

6. When I say, “Put your papers in a stack,” what I really mean is, “Throw your papers in a pile facing all different directions. Unless you don’t want to put your paper in the pile. Which is fine too, because I don’t want to stifle your individuality.”

7. When preparing formal essays, feel free to abandon all conventions in the interest of expressing your creativity. For example, use titles like “My Super-Awesome Essay.” Festoon your papers with patterned borders, and use interesting fonts in colors such as bubblegum pink and seafoam green. Making your font size extremely large ensures that I can read your essay from very far away. Making your font size extremely tiny serves as a gentle reminder to visit the eye doctor. Either is encouraged. Or, alternate a sentence in very large type with a sentence in very small type. That keeps me focused.

8. Read your essay aloud. Then put commas wherever you breathe.

9. Start every other sentence with the interjection “well.” It makes me feel as if you’re right there talking to me.

10. Use the time when I’m giving directions to multitask. Doodle, stare into space, gesture to someone across the room, pick your nose. Even if you don’t hear how to differentiate among the four types of noun clauses, it’s still good for me to practice explaining it, just so I don’t forget! LOL!

11. Sharpen your pencil at any time, even if you have to walk in front of me while I’m talking to do it, and even if the incessant grinding of the sharpener drowns out anything I might be saying.

12. It is a good idea to verify all directions by asking the same question three, four, or five times.

13. Encourage your parents to email me often, and to use capital letters, multiple exclamation points, and an accusatory tone to get my attention and ensure that I will respond promptly.

All classes this year will involve parties with piƱatas, paper-wad basketball, and hair braiding. Should I bore you at any time, please raise your hand and I will unzip my face to reveal that I am actually a magical giraffe-llama-unicorn hybrid who will entertain you with magic tricks and grant each of you 500 extra credit points in addition to a lucrative career in which you will not have to write coherently or have any knowledge of grammar.


Monday, March 3, 2014

The Week: 3/3 - 3/7

Reading Challenge!
Due to an unfortunate miscommunication, we have entered into a very high-stakes challenge with Mrs. Falbo and Mrs. Creasey.  They really want our classroom.  It is bigger, it has a great view, and it has an awesome stereo (though the same is not said of the music played there).  If one of them wins the reading log challenge, they get our classroom for a week.  If we win, we get to keep our classroom, and they will give us something of equal value.  (I'm negotiating for a deep clean and putting whipped cream in their faces at the next assembly.)

What you need to know:  The winning classes have turned in over 40 reading logs!  That means that to win, we need to plan on turning in two reading logs each!  That's a lot of reading.  Start tonight!

I don't like to lose.  You know that, right?  Therefore, I am implementing the following conditions to help us along.

If we win, I will treat my class to an ice cream party.  Your participation is as follows.
  • Showing up to class = one small scoop of vanilla ice cream.
  • Turning in a partially filled reading log = one scoop of your choice.
  • Half a completed reading log = two scoops of your choice.
  • One completed reading log = two scoops of your choice and one topping.
  • Each additional reading log you complete = one more topping.
  • The person with the most reading logs gets to sit at my desk and eat it and I will clean up afterwards.  (Please be nice with my stuff!)
If we lose, I understand that some of you worked hard to help out.  For the week that we're in the winner's classroom:
  • The person with the most reading logs gets to sit in the teacher's desk for the week.
  • Desk choices will be given in order of completed reading logs turned in.
  • Half a completed reading log = chairs for half the day.  (The other half of the day, the chair is stacked.  You choose which half.)
  • A partially completed reading log (even one signature) = a desk with no chair.  (That's a whole week!  Think about it before you give up!)
  • No reading log = no desk and no chair.  Plus you get to spend recess helping me clean their room.

This Week's Vocabulary:

MYBH:  (Quiz on Friday!)