Sunday, June 8, 2014

Last Week of School - 2014!!!

Monday will be mostly a work day to finish up on those pesky missing assignments.  I really don't want to have a study group at Skate World on Tuesday.

To help you find some of those missing assignments, I've posted ALL of the math assignments in the Resources section of our web page:

Look for the "Math Worksheets" section.

Here are the big assignments that you need to turn in:

  • Literary Essay
  • Vocabulary Quiz (The booklet with 500 words that is really 100)

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Week: 6/2- 6/6

Mr. Schneider is pleased to announce the

Skate World Study Group
To participate in the fifth grade party, you must do this one thing:
  • Turn in your Progress Report Update.
At Skate World, we will have a study group for everybody who has not completed the following:
Update:  I am not taking away your skate world trip!  I want to make sure you have the very best report card you can have.  At Skate World, we'll have short study groups to check in on different things that you missed so you have a chance to improve your report card grades.
  •  Literary Essay
    • (5 paragraphs including introduction and conclusion, with proper fifth-grade level conventions.)
    • Update:  Essays were turned in on Friday.  You can still turn yours in on Monday if you didn't finish it.  We will spend 10-15 minutes reviewing the checklist on Tuesday.
  • Vocabulary Quiz (500 words—or reasonable completion)
    • Update:  In our class meeting, we counted what everybody completed so far and decided that a reasonable number is 100 words.  If you choose the smaller number, your entries must be complete.
  • 80% assignment completion.
    • I have printed a progress report for you to look at.  I will print another on Wednesday morning and again on Friday morning.
    • Update:  This seems to be the biggest frustration for everybody.  Let me clarify something:  This is not just homework.  Many of these assignments are tasks from class that should have been completed before you went home.  The highest number of missing assignments are in math.  Our homework policy is that you can work for fifty minutes at home and return a partially completed assignment if there is a parent signature with a one-sentence note (in any language).
    • Update:  I have sent home daily progress reports this week for you to keep track of your progress.  I have also given some opportunities to skip assignments.  One of these opportunities was the last MYBH quiz.  I'll post your scores (with a secret ID number, of course) when I finish grading them tonight.
Here are your MYBH Scores by SSID and Percent.  Your score will also be on your progress report on Monday morning.

I graded some papers for you tonight (Tuesday)...

Vocabulary Final:

MYBH Monday



(Look at the bonus!)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Week: 5/27 - 5/30

MYBH Quiz:
Fear not!  There will be a quiz later today.  We need to do some science first!

Friday's Science Challenge:

Today, I want to know if you can create a vessel that can insulate as well as a Dewar vessel.  Hopefully, you brought some sort of insulating material from home to make this work.  Since we only have six LabQuests, we can only do six tests today, so in your group, decide how you are going to insulate your container.  You can use one, some, or all of your materials.

Before you start, remember to record all of your data!!!  You only get one shot at this, so don't leave anything out.

First, we need a control.  How much does the temperature of ice water increase in room temperature air?  Here's what to do:
  1. Get a 250 mL beaker.
  2. Fill it with ice, then water so that the water level is exactly 250mL.  (The ice will float above the water, but when it melts, the water level stays the same.  When you measure it, be sure to measure the water level, not the ice level!)
  3. Get a LabQuest and Stainless Steel Temperature Probe.
  4. Turn on the LabQuest and plug in the probe.
  5. Put the probe in the water.
  6. Wait for the temperature to stop falling.
  7. Record the starting temperature.
    • Side note:  For the love of Science, please record everything.  Don't just write a number.  Write a degree sign.  Write the units you are using for measurement.  Write what you are measuring.  Is this with or without insulation?  How much water?  Is this the starting or ending temperature?  If you only write numbers, will it make sense later?
  8. Set the duration to one hour (or 60 minutes) and the interval to one sample per minute.
  9. Put the whole conglomeration out of the way so it doesn't get bumped.  (It will be sitting for an hour, remember?)
    • Remember, this is a control.  There should be no insulation on your container this time!  We want to know how quickly ice water warms up without insulation!
  10. Start recording.  Make sure a graph comes up.
  11. At the end of the hour, record the ending temperature.  Save the graph.
Later today, we'll insulate our containers and repeat the process above.  There's one little trick I need to show you with the LabQuest first, so don't go ahead just yet.  (Hint:  We're going to put two graphs on the same screen!)

LabQuest Lessons:

Tuesday's MYBH:

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Week: 5/12 - 5/16

Science Fair
Wednesday, May 21
Six teams of students will demonstrate the LabQuest equipment.  You may also design and present a project that shows an experiment or a demonstration of a scientific concept.

OAKS Testing This Week!

This week, we will take our final round of OAKS tests.  Please be sure to get plenty of rest, plenty of sunshine, plenty of nourishment, and even more rest.
OAKS Scores:


Science with LabQuest
Last week, we trained some Science leaders to start using the LabQuest digital measurement tools.  This week, we'll tackle this as a class.  Since these tools are new for all of us, our time will be as much about exploring as learning.

These devices can do much more than we will have time for this year.  To make the most out of this resource, I am posting lessons online as I create them.  You may work ahead if you want!  (Of course, the usual rules apply:  Ask before you use.)

Click here to see all of the lessons.

It is important to stay caught up on all of your class work.  If you fall behind, you will have to get caught back up before participating in extra LabQuest activities.

Lessons for this week:
Math Stuff
Here are some videos to help you with math skills we did in "My Favorite No"
You can (and should) google the skills that you are stuck on!


Monday, May 5, 2014

The Week: 5/5 - 5/9

Look!  We got our Science equipment!
This is what six sets of untouched LabQuest packages look like.

Today, we added "Unit Form" to our vocabulary.  Here's a video explaining how that works.

'Zine ideas:


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Week: 4/28-5/2

Carnival on Friday!
Dunk your teacher and skip a section of homework.  For every time you dunk your teacher, you may skip one day of Geography, or one day of Big Idea, or one square of Spelling homework.

Incentives List:
 We decided on a technology afternoon.  If you finish all three Science assignments by recess on Friday, you may bring your technology on Friday afternoon for the last half hour of the day.
Remember to study your vocabulary words for Monday!  You get to use your reference books to help you.  Also include ten new words to study!
Multiplying and Dividing by tens and hundreds:  (Notes)

Lesson 3 Application Problem:
Jack and Kevin are creating a mosaic by using fragments of broken tiles for art class.  They want the mosaic to have 100 sections.  If each section requires 31.5 tiles, how many tiles will they need to complete the mosaic?  Explain your reasoning with a place value chart.

Lesson 4 Application Problem:
Mr. Brown wants to withdraw $1,000 from his bank and in ten dollar bills.  How many ten dollar bills should he receive?

Science Demonstration:
Watch and tell me how this works:

Monday, April 21, 2014

The week: 4/21-4/25

Dear students,

When the very first vocab quiz I score looks like the one I chose, one of two things is going to happen. Either every one after it will be boring by comparison, or I will laugh so hard at the awesome humor included that I simply cannot score the rest.  While you contemplate this thought, please enjoy this cask of radioactive sewage:

We got the technology grant!!!
Here's a link to the site. You can go look and see what is coming. Hopefully we'll see it next week!

Vocab this week:

I finally did it!  I achieved my math goal!



